Accounts & Finance

2023/24 Audit Information

Financial Information, for Year Ending 31st March 2024:-

Notice of Public Rights 

Summary of Rights - Page 1

Summary of Rights - Page 2

Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 

Section 2 - Accounting Statements 

Accounting Statements Exempt Statement 

Certificate of Exemption

Internal Audit Report 

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Explanation of Variances - Part 2

Payments over £100 - All payments made by Kexby & Scoreby Parish Council including items over £100.00 are listed in the minutes of the monthly meetings.


2022/23 Audit Information

Financial Information, for Year Ending 31st March 2023:-

Notice of Public Rights

Summary of Rights - Page 1

Summary of Rights - Page 2

Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement

Section 2 - Accounting Statements 

Accounting Statements Exempt Statement 

Certificate of Exemption 

Internal Audit Report 

Bank Reconciliation 

Explanation of Variances 

Explanation of Variances - Part 2 

Payments over £100 - All payments made by Kexby & Scoreby Parish Council including items over £100.00 are listed in the minutes of the monthly meetings.


2021/22 Audit Information

Financial Information, for Year Ending 31st March 2022:- 

Notice of Public Rights

Summary of Rights - Page 1

Summary of Rights - Page 2

Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement

Section 2 - Accounting Statements

Certificate of Exemption

Internal Audit Report

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Explanation of Variances - Part 2 

Payments over £100 - All payments made by Kexby & Scoreby Parish Council including items over £100.00 are listed in the minutes of the monthly meetings.


Previous Annual Returns:-





Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement

Section 2 - Accounting Statements 

Certificate of Exemption

Internal Auditors Report